Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thursday, August 13 2009


  • Earth-friendly menu: We are so into the gulrotmedaljong we keep forgetting to take the picture before digging in.
  • Carnivorous menu: It's death for no reason, and death for no reason is murder.

    1. Is that the gulrotmedaljong? What is gulrotmedaljong?

      And where is the crime scene picture?

    2. Carrot medallion, clearly. What crime scene? You mean the "gunshots"? Turns out a female visitor to someone in our building threw a huge rock through the glass in the building's back door. To make matters even more puzzling, she also left behind a bouquet of flowers. This still doesn't explain why there were two loud noises. Maybe the rock did not penetrate on the first attempt.

    3. No no, the murder without reason.
